The Adrada has four major celebrations throughout the year are:
- San Blas, pattern Adrada. These fetes during the days 2,3,4 and 5 February.
Day 2 (La Candelaria): dance.
On 3 (San Blas) and 4 (San Blasito): Procession and Dance.
On day 5 (St. Agatha) dancing soot (eggs and flour are thrown) At this time in the homes authentic “San Blas rolls” made with flour, olive oil, wine, sugar and yeast are prepared . Also make “lemon muffins” using flour, eggs, butter, sugar and lemon; Day 3 Fifths given away to all who come to the square with rolls and wine.
Is especially festive day 5, St. Agatha, a carnival day for Adrada, in which the woman following ancient traditions takes over. There are costumes, dancing people and blackened or smeared with eggs and flour.
- Medieval Market: concuring with Holidays May, and during the four days of walking through this town and the market area is an adventure. Musicians, jugglers, clowns, jugglers, comedians, storytellers, snake charmers, fakirs and excited by the colorful groups, joy and fun, are the protagonists of this unique representation Adrada streets decorated for the occasion with banners , awnings and multicolored banners arlequinados recreating a lost time, cheerful and colorful environment.
Other acts as a tournament, and dinner theaters in the castle are also held.
Of course It recommended to adorn themselves with clothes of the time to accompany the townspeople going in disguise for the duration of the market.
- San Salvador, August 6. They are the most important festivals of the town with visitors from around the Valley and many people Tiétar Madrid. More than one we have come to town for the first time this holiday season and we could not stop coming. The atmosphere is noticeable throughout the day with market, fair and other things for the whole family but what I recommend is to go to the Square after dark enjoying the different orchestras playing three or four days of the festival (depending what day of the week falls 6) as you can have a drink or whatever you like in the bars surrounding the square or on the high street. When the orchestra finished, and will not be soon, you can go to any of the pubs that hold until dawn. Also for lovers of bulls , there are runs the main days and of course we must not forget that on the day of St. Salvador feeds in the square is a stew for everyone who wants it.
- Our Lady of the Ivy, 2nd Sunday in September. On Saturday night a procession through the main streets of the town to the chapel. Before entering the shrine the Virgin in the fifth round throw. Upon entering the chapel the Virgin in the salve and the hymn of the Virgin of La Adrada singing. Later, the temple doors, neighbors with very good voice accompanied by guitar and mandolin sing to the Virgin rounds.
On Sunday, the feast of the Virgin patron Adrada, Mass in La Nava and afternoon auction of gifts and chick peas, to move back to the Virgin’s shrine.